Art of Matt Smith

Boss Fight Challenge


In 2023 I took part in a 3D community challenge called Boss Fight, hosted by Clinton Jones. The rules of the project where as follows; create and animate and scene using the provided template that depicted a smaller character preparing to fight a larger character. I decided to go for a more fantastical and surreal take, using a variation of the character I used in my Endless Engines submission. For my ‘hero’ character I used a sorcerer model I found online and edited the textures to better fit my scene. I animated both characters in Maya and brought them into Unreal where I built out the rest of the scene. I created the forested area using a variety of different Megascans that were available through Quixel Bridge. A free trial to Embergen was given for the duration of the challenege and I used it to create the smoke falling off of the boss character, as well as the flames emitting from the orbs lining the pathway and the green energy in the sorcerer’s hands. After I finished creating and lighting the scene, I brought it into DaVinci Resolve where I worked on post-processing and the final edits for my submission.


Panopolis City


'And Then Boom' - Booman Forever