Art of Matt Smith

Endless Engine Challenge


In 2023 I took part in my first large art challenge, the Endless Engine Challenge hosted by Clinton Jones. For the project, participates were tasked with creating a scene of a vehicle entering and then exciting the scene. For my submisssion, I wanted to utilize a character I designed in highschool, a large, shadow like figure with glowing yellow eyes. Repurposing the portal from my piece ‘Otherworlds’, I created a scene of a truck fleeing from the portal after having stolen the skull of one of the smoke creatures. I found a truck model online and edited and retextured it to fit my scene. I then created a rig to animate the truck in Maya. After I finished blocking out the scene, I moved everything over to Unreal Engine 5 where I used Megascans to build out the environment and used the Niagara systems to create the smoke and dust effects. After rendering, I brought it into DaVinci resolve for some touch ups and editing for my final submission.


'And Then Boom' - Booman Forever

